Sunday 10 February 2013

Oh, hi. Um.. hope you haven't been standing there long.

Well, Hi.

I find the start of a new blog is always the most awkward. I hope that by pointing out how awkward my words may come out that it will in turn burn out any awkwardness...

Welcome to Jess & Jenna.

We're 2 girls who have boring 9 - 5 office jobs who aren't really sure what it is we actually want to do with our lives, however we know we want to do something creative. We don't have a lot of money, we don't have amazing wardrobes, certainly don't drive fancy cars but we feel we have enough uniqueness in our taste to (hopefully) entice somewhat of a following.

So this is the beginning of what we hope will be something big, but it could just as easily be something extremely insignificant (fingers and toes that it is the former).

From what inspires us, to what we wish we could afford, to the places we hope one day our ideas will take us and our mini projects which we hope people like enough to purchase and put in their homes. You'll see it all here.

In closing, I found a quote the other day on Tumblr (yes, guilty.. I'm a total blog-addict) which I feel best describes what you will most likely see on these electronic pages.

"I see beauty where others see ugliness. That either makes me an artist or a person of very poor taste"

J&J x

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